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Trickbot (07e3260b-d80c-4c86-bd28-8adc111bbec6)

Trickbot is a bot that is delivered via exploit kits and malspam campaigns. The bot is capable of downloading modules, including a banker module. Trickbot also shares roots with the Dyre banking trojan

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Trick Bot (a7dbd72f-8d53-48c6-a9db-d16e7648b2d4) Tool Trickbot (07e3260b-d80c-4c86-bd28-8adc111bbec6) Banker 1
TrickBot (c824813c-9c79-4917-829a-af72529e8329) Malpedia Trickbot (07e3260b-d80c-4c86-bd28-8adc111bbec6) Banker 1
Trick Bot (a7dbd72f-8d53-48c6-a9db-d16e7648b2d4) Tool TrickBot (c824813c-9c79-4917-829a-af72529e8329) Malpedia 2