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Terminal Service Process Spawn (1012f107-b8f1-4271-af30-5aed2de89b39)

Detects a process spawned by the terminal service server process (this could be an indicator for an exploitation of CVE-2019-0708)

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Terminal Service Process Spawn (1012f107-b8f1-4271-af30-5aed2de89b39) Sigma-Rules Exploit Public-Facing Application - T1190 (3f886f2a-874f-4333-b794-aa6075009b1c) Attack Pattern 1
Terminal Service Process Spawn (1012f107-b8f1-4271-af30-5aed2de89b39) Sigma-Rules Exploitation of Remote Services - T1210 (9db0cf3a-a3c9-4012-8268-123b9db6fd82) Attack Pattern 1