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dsquery (06402bdc-a4a1-4e4a-bfc4-09f2c159af75)

dsquery is a command-line utility that can be used to query Active Directory for information from a system within a domain. [TechNet Dsquery] It is typically installed only on Windows Server versions but can be installed on non-server variants through the Microsoft-provided Remote Server Administration Tools bundle.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
dsquery (06402bdc-a4a1-4e4a-bfc4-09f2c159af75) Tidal Software APT41 (502223ee-8947-42f8-a532-a3b3da12b7d9) Tidal Groups 1
dsquery (06402bdc-a4a1-4e4a-bfc4-09f2c159af75) Tidal Software FIN8 (b3061284-0335-4dcb-9f8e-a3b0412fd46f) Tidal Groups 1