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Kwampirs (35ac4018-8506-4025-a9e3-bd017700b3b3)

Kwampirs is a backdoor Trojan used by Orangeworm. Kwampirs has been found on machines which had software installed for the use and control of high-tech imaging devices such as X-Ray and MRI machines.[Symantec Orangeworm April 2018] Kwampirs has multiple technical overlaps with Shamoon based on reverse engineering analysis.[Cylera Kwampirs 2022]

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Kwampirs (35ac4018-8506-4025-a9e3-bd017700b3b3) Tidal Software Orangeworm (863b7013-133d-4a82-93d2-51b53a8fd30e) Tidal Groups 1