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Metasploit (8d3b1150-8bb3-49a8-8266-7023e3c5e50a)

The Metasploit Framework is an open-source software project that aids in penetration testing.[Metasploit_Ref] The software is often abused by malicious actors to perform a range of post-exploitation activities.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Metasploit (8d3b1150-8bb3-49a8-8266-7023e3c5e50a) Tidal Software Private Cluster (b39d8eae-12e3-4903-a387-4c31d16a73b2) Unknown 1
Metasploit (8d3b1150-8bb3-49a8-8266-7023e3c5e50a) Tidal Software BlackCat Ransomware Actors & Affiliates (33159d02-a1ce-49ec-a381-60b069db66f7) Tidal Groups 1